Finding Free Lortab Rehab Centers

Lortab is the brand name for a combination of acetaminophen and hydrocodone. Hydrocodone is a semi-synthetic opiate that is synthesized from the opiate codeine, which is derived from the poppy plant. It is used to treat coughs and moderate to severe pain. Acetaminophen is added to hydrocode to increase its effects.

Many people who end up dependent on or addicted to Lortab begin taking the medication through a doctor’s prescription. Somewhere along the line, they begin using nonmedically:

  • Using more than prescribed
  • Taking it more frequently than prescribed
  • Taking it with alcohol or other medications/drugs

When you fail to follow a doctor’s orders you increase the chances of developing an addiction, especially when using a narcotic pain reliever. Other people begin using Lortab recreationally. They may use medication prescribed to other people in their home or buy it on the street. This type of use also invites addiction.

If you must use Lortab to function normally or you have entirely lost control over your use, compulsively taking it even though you know it is causing problems, you need the assistance of a professional addiction treatment program. People who begin abusing opiate medications quite often end up as heroin users because they find it difficult to maintain access to prescription medication, heroin is less expensive, and the high is a comparable opiate induced euphoria. You can’t let your situation reach that point. You need to stop it now.

There are often obstacles to entering treatment and a big one is money. There are rehabs, like luxury treatment centers, that are tremendously expensive and if these are the programs with which you are most familiar, rehab will seem like something you will never be able to afford. However, there are affordable and free Lortab addiction treatment facilities. To learn more about how these programs and to be connected with appropriate rehabs for your situation, call 800-934-7205 (Who Answers?) .

Inpatient vs. Outpatient

There are two groups into which all rehabs fall. Rehabs are either inpatient or outpatient. For example, luxury and executive rehabs are inpatient. Gender-specific and faith-based programs can be inpatient or outpatient. Deciding which type of program will work best for you and your Lortab addiction is something you need to figure out before you start looking at prospective programs.

Inpatient programs function a bit like a summer camp would. You arrange to stay for a specific period of time. You arrive and get settled in. And, all your eating, sleeping and activities take place at the facility. Until the program comes to an end, you don’t leave rehab. Outpatient programs, on the other hand, simply require attendance at scheduled treatment activities, like support group meetings and educational sessions. Otherwise, patients eat and sleep where they would like.

Inpatient programs are the most intense, immersive form of treatment, so they are excellent for people with severe addictions and those that are long-term. It is also good for people addicted to multiple substances and those who have attended rehab previously. Living at the facility removes people from the stresses and responsibilities of their regular lives, and this lets patients focus all of their energy on treatment and recovery. If you have a life that enables or encourages Lortab use, it may be best that you remove yourself from that situation. If you fear strong cravings may make you give in and use, living in a drug- and alcohol-free environment is also incredibly helpful.

Outpatient programs work best for people who are not able to leave their regular life behind. These people would be unable to attend rehab is all of the programs were strictly inpatient. Some people cannot afford to take unpaid leave from work, and their continued stability depend on them doing their job. Other people are single parents without resources that would allow them to be apart from their children. These people need to make meals and give baths and read stories at bedtime. Outpatient rehab lets them fulfill their obligations and be treated for addiction.

Types of Free Lortab Rehab

Lortab Rehab

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Some rehabs are considered private. These are for-profit programs, and they tend to be more expensive than alternatives. These are the types of rehabs that make people believe they can’t afford to get help. However, there are other programs that are not for profit. These provide free Lortab rehab.

Non-profit organizations run a lot of rehabs that provide services free of charge or at an affordable rate. Their funding comes from grants and donations, so they don’t need to charge clients. They follow the same protocols as private programs, so you don’t have to worry about receiving substandard care. Many of these organizations are affiliated with religious groups, so you may find yourself in a faith-based program that requires you to participate in activities like attending church and studying the bible. This can be wonderfully helpful if you follow that faith but can be off-putting for people who don’t. Be sure to ask about religious affiliations when you are looking at prospective free rehab for Lortab addiction.

Other free programs are state-run. Their funding comes from local, state, and federal government funding. As they are also non-profit, they provide addiction treatment for free or at a greatly reduced rate. These programs are often used for teaching and training clinicians, so they use new methods and interventions based on evidence produced in recent research. These programs are for people with a low income who lack insurance. You will be asked to provide proof that this is the case. As these are run by the state, you will also need to prove residency in that state and legal citizenship in the United States. There may also be some program specific requirements.

Is Free Lortab Rehab Right for Me?

Professional rehab is the single best method for establishing a strong foundation of sobriety and building on it in recovery. And, free Lortab addiction treatment makes it affordable. To determine whether or not it is right for you, you need only ask yourself two questions. Do I need help to stop using Lortab? Do I need help paying for rehab? If the answer to both questions is yes, free Lortab rehab is right for you.

How Long is Lortab Rehab?

Different Lortab addictions require different lengths of treatment, so there is no single answer to this question that will be accurate for all people. However, the most popular treatment duration is 28-30 days because this is the length covered by most insurance policies. But, there are free rehab programs that last for 20, 90, 120, or 180 days.

How much time you will need is determined during your initial intake evaluation. Clinicians will consider factors such as the substance to which you are addicted, the length of time you have been using the substance, and whether or not any co-occurring disorders are present. They will also factor in your detox period. For example, acute opiate withdrawal takes about a week. That leaves you with three more weeks of treatment. Your initial assessment will determine whether that is enough time to achieve positive results.

Research into treatment duration asserts rehab lasting 90 days or more has the best outcomes. This doesn’t mean that you should refuse care if it is less than three months long, but you should consider a longer treatment length if that is an option.

Where to Get Treatment for Lortab Addiction

When you begin considering rehab programs that you feel would be effective in treating your Lortab addiction, you will find that there are thousands of them in the United States. To narrow down your options, you should choose between receiving treatment locally or traveling across the state to rehab. Both options have benefits.

Staying near your residence is great if you have a great support system, especially if you are in an outpatient program and can see them regularly. It’s also convenient. You can get to the program easily. If you are receiving outpatient care, you practically have to stay local because you need to have somewhere to live during rehab. It’s also a much less expensive option because you don’t have to finance travel.

Traveling across your state if you need a break from the familiar. It can function like a small vacation and allow you to establish a fresh start. It also decreases your chance of running into someone you know, which means you can better maintain your confidentiality. Further, you are far less likely to check yourself out of treatment early and go home when it means packing, calling a cab, getting a ticket or rental car and trekking back home.

Signs Lortab Rehab Is Necessary

Both Lortab dependence and Lortab addiction require rehab. Dependence is marked by the presence of withdrawal symptoms when you don’t use regularly. Many people keep up their use just to avoid the terrible discomfort of withdrawal. At this point, you should still be able to exercise some control over you opiate use, but many people simply can’t get through the detox period without relapsing. Professional addiction treatment can assist you with this, prevent your dependence from becoming and addiction and provide you with the resources and tools you need to remain sober.

By the time you have a fully realized addiction, you no longer are able to control how much you use and when you use. You are driven compulsively to abuse Lortab and other substance, even though you know it is negatively affecting your life. Some signs of addiction include:

  • Failing to meet obligations because of substance use
  • Participating in dangerous activities, like driving and risky sexual behavior, while high
  • Failing when you attempt to set limits on your use
  • Using more and/or more frequently than you planned
  • Lying about your drug use or becoming defensive when questioned
  • Continuing to use regardless of the problems Lortab use has caused
  • Spending considerable time thinking about getting high, getting drugs to get high, and getting high
  • Panicking at the thought that you might not have access to substance to abuse

If these symptoms seem familiar, call 800-934-7205 (Who Answers?) and speak to a free rehab specialist who can help you get into an appropriate treatment center.

Insurance & Private Pay Options

If you are not eligible for free Lortab rehab or you want to attend a private program, you will need to find a way to cover the costs and that generally means paying them yourself or using insurance to cover some of them.

If you don’t have insurance or it has limited coverage, you will need to pay for treatment out-of-pocket. This may mean getting a bank or personal loan, selling things, cashing in any savings, or crowdfunding. Look for an affordable program that offers grants or scholarships to reduce your payment. Alternatively, look for rehabs with a sliding scale for fees. This will mean your payment will be based on how much you can pay. Many programs also have a financing department that can help you establish a means of paying for your treatment. Financing plans generally work like credit cards and many have a deferment period that allows you to regain your stability before you have to pay the money back.

The plans on the marketplace and those provided by Medicaid are legally required to offer coverage for substance abuse. If you have one of these plans, contact your insurer and find out your level of coverage. If you have insurance through your employer or another source, you will have to check into your coverage as well. Also, investigate whether you have a copay or coinsurance deductible you must pay before coverage kicks in. You don’t want to commit to something and be surprised by what you owe.

Help Finding a Free Lortab Treatment Program

Many people get assistance from online research, friends and family, general practitioners, and hospitals when looking for a rehab program. These can all be helpful. But, it is unlikely these sources know all about addiction and about affordable and free rehab programs to treat it. Call 800-934-7205 (Who Answers?) and speak to someone who knows exactly what you are looking for and where to find it. Out experts have information that you couldn’t get from any other source.

What Happens After Rehab?

After you leave rehab, you must make some changes in your life. You need to cut out any people who encourage your substance abuse, and you need to develop sober hobbies and recreational activities. You also need to continue receiving treatment in some form. Go to support group meetings and/or attend counseling. You need to develop a support system and find a community that can help you when you are having problems in your recovery.

Get Help Today

You have put off treatment long enough. It’s time for you to reclaim control of your life and to lead a stable healthy existence. Call 800-934-7205 (Who Answers?) 24/7 and learn about free rehab programs and what they can do for you.

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