Finding Free Hydromorphone Rehab Centers

Hydromorphone is a dangerously addictive opioid drug that many individuals take in high doses in order to experience its euphoric effects. This type of behavior can quickly lead to uncontrolled abuse as well as tolerance, dependence, and even deadly overdose. If you have been misusing hydromorphone and need affordable treatment, call 800-934-7205 (Who Answers?) now to find the safe, effective care you require––at little to no cost.

Hydromorphone Addiction and Treatment

Hydromorphone is an opioid that is often sold under the brand name Dilaudid and can be prescribed in both regular and extended-release forms. According to the National Library of Medicine, the drug “works by changing the way the brain and nervous system respond to pain.” It can be very effective for treating those with severe pain.

However, the abuse of hydromorphone has become a serious issue, helping to create the severe opioid epidemic in the United States today. You may have begun abusing the drug by taking it without a prescription at all, but abuse can also occur when those who were prescribed the medication begin to misuse it. This can take one of the following forms:

  • Taking the drug in higher doses than prescribed
  • Taking the drug more often than prescribed
  • Taking the drug for longer than prescribed
  • Taking the drug in a different way than prescribed
  • Taking the drug for a different reason than prescribed

Any type of long-term abuse involving hydromorphone will usually require intensive and professional addiction treatment, but you may have told yourself you cannot afford this option. In truth, though, there are many treatment centers that can provide you safe, effective care that is also low-cost, and in some cases, even free.

Where to Get Treatment for Hydromorphone Addiction

The best place to find treatment for a hydromorphone addiction syndrome is in a professional rehab center. Because opioid drugs cause such severe substance use disorders––and because these substances are so highly available––the best way you can recover from this type of disorder is in the kind of organized treatment program found in rehab.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the steps of “successful treatment” in a rehab program usually include

But what type of free hyromorphone rehab center will you choose for your recovery? One of the most important choices you will make is the one between inpatient and outpatient care.

Inpatient vs. Outpatient

Hydromorphone Rehab

You can overcome addiction with free hydromorphone rehab!

Free inpatient centers for opioid addiction treatment do exist. In fact, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, free facilities were actually more likely to offer residential care to patients than non-free facilities. This type of treatment provides 24-hour surveillance in a controlled environment as well as round-the-clock access to medical professionals and treatment. Outpatient care does not provide this kind of all-day help.

The real question, though, is this: do you need inpatient treatment? Ask yourself the questions below to find out.

  • Are you suffering from any comorbid mental or physical disorders?
  • Have you been abusing harder drugs than hydromorphone or are you suffering from a polydrug addiction syndrome?
  • Are you lacking a strong support group of friends and family members at home who can watch over you while you are not in treatment?
  • Is your home environment dangerous or in any other way not conducive to the process of recovery?
  • Is this your first time going through a treatment program for opioid addiction?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, inpatient care may be necessary to your safe recovery. Patients dealing with multiple issues beyond their addictions often need this extra layer of support during treatment; those who already have lots of support and are not suffering from additional issues often do not.

Types of Free Hydromorphone Rehab

Inpatient and outpatient care are not the only types of free hydromorphone rehab, however. There are many different options you can choose from when you are looking for help for your substance use disorder.

  • All-free rehab: This type of rehab program offers completely free care to patients who truly need it. Acceptance into one of these facilities is normally based on income and other factors.
  • Partial-free rehab: This type of program provides partially free care to patients, which is still much cheaper than rehab centers that provide no free care at all.
  • Sliding fee scale rehab: Some facilities allow patients to pay for treatment on a sliding scale based on their needs. Some programs offer both partial-free and sliding fee scale rehab.

This is only a list of the types of programs ranked by their cost. Some free hydromorphone rehab centers will be government-run, which means they receive federal funding and will be likely to provide very specific treatment options based on strict rules for care. According to the National Institute of Justice, methadone maintenance centers offer this type of treatment.

There are also many free and low-cost rehab programs that are run by nonprofit or religious organizations. These facilities often offer spiritual guidance in addition to the evidence-based practices normally associated with addiction treatment.

Is Free Hydromorphone Rehab Right for Me?

As illustrated above, there are many different options for those looking for free hydromorphone rehab. But how can you be sure if this type of treatment program will be right for your needs? Ask yourself the questions below to find out.

  • Am I looking for a safe, reliable rehab program that won’t cost too much?
  • Do I have a low income, a big family that relies on me monetarily, or another factor that could qualify me for addiction treatment in a free rehab center?
  • Is my opioid addiction severe enough that I should not be treated for it in a doctor’s office or at home?
  • Have I tried less intensive treatment options before and not achieved the success I had hoped for?
  • Did I lose my job or source of income because of my opioid addiction?
  • Do I feel I will not be able to stop using opioids on my own?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, free hydromorphone rehab may be the best option for your recovery. Remember, everyone deserves to receive the treatment necessary to help them recover safely from their addiction syndrome. If you would like to learn more about this treatment option, call 800-934-7205 (Who Answers?) now.

How Long Is Hydromorphone Rehab?

According to the NIDA, rehab programs that last 90 days are generally more effective than those that are shorter. This is because longer treatment stays allow patients to fully reap the benefits of their care. Treatment programs that last longer than 90 days are considered to be even more effective for recovery.

Unfortunately, though, most free rehab centers cannot provide long-term care to patients and will usually only offer a 28- or 30-day program. These facilities compensate for their shorter treatment program by helping patients transition into an aftercare option once their program has ended. As such, you may be in rehab for a shorter period of time, but you may still need to follow it up with another type of program.

Signs Hydromorphone Rehab Is Necessary

According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, “Prior to the current popularity of hydrocodone and oxycodone, among drug abusers, low dose… immediate release hydromorphone formulations (i.e. Dilaudid) were the leading opioid products for abuse and diversion.” Here are some of the signs that your hydromorphone abuse has become an addiction and that you will require professional treatment in a rehab center.

  • Dependence, or the inability to function without the drug
  • Tolerance, or the inability to experience the same effects you once did from the same amount of the drug
  • Uncontrolled use
  • Cravings
  • Withdrawal symptoms, which feel similar to the flu and can be extremely painful
  • Hostility toward others who bring up your drug abuse in a negative light
  • Hiding the extent of your substance abuse from others
  • Putting yourself or others in danger in order to use/obtain more of the drug
  • Ignoring your responsibilities in order to use/obtain more of the drug
  • Experiencing professional, personal, financial, and/or legal issues because of your substance abuse
  • Feeling like you won’t be able to stop using the drug, even if you want to

These are strong signs that your substance abuse is getting or has already gotten beyond your control and that you should seek help. Remember, though, it is never too early to seek treatment for a substance use disorder, and in many cases, the earlier you do, the easier it will be. Call 800-934-7205 (Who Answers?) for help finding treatment today.

How Do Free Rehab Programs Use Referrals?

Insurance & Private Pay Options

Not everyone qualifies for free hydromorphone rehab, unfortunately. You may make too much money or not have any of the factors these facilities are looking for when deciding to offer a spot to a recovering addict. However, free rehab centers aren’t the only option for affordable addiction treatment. You can also…

  • Use your insurance plan to help you pay for treatment. According to, all plans sold on the Healthcare Marketplace must cover substance use disorder treatment, and most privately sold plans will cover at least part of your care as well.
  • Seek out a rehab center that provides care on a sliding fee scale. Many facilities do so, even if they do not offer free or partially free care.
  • Ask your friends or family members to help you pay for your treatment program. If they want to see you get better, they will probably be happy to spare a little to help you.
  • If the amount you are paying out-of-pocket is still too high, you may be able to finance your treatment costs. This means you can pay a certain amount upfront and then pay the rest in smaller increments over time.

Help Finding a Free Hydromorphone Treatment Program

We want to help you find the free or low-cost hydromorphone treatment program that will best suit your needs and allow you to build a safe, effective recovery. You can call 800-934-7205 (Who Answers?) today to speak with a treatment advisor and to start the process of finding the right rehab program for you.

  • Call 800-934-7205 (Who Answers?) . Our treatment advisors are available 24/7 to take your calls.
  • Once you begin speaking to an advisor, you may need to supply certain information about your addiction and current situation, such as
    • Your insurance plan and provider
    • Your income
    • Your addiction and medical history
    • Whether you will require inpatient or outpatient care, what treatment options you would like, etc.
  • Your treatment advisor will then match you with a rehab program that suits your needs, will accept your insurance, and will allow you to recover safely. They may even find more than one option.
  • Once you choose an option that works for you, your advisor will then help you build a plan to get into the program and to start your recovery off on the right foot.

What Happens After Rehab?

Rehab takes time and concentration, and so does post-rehab life. According to the NIDA, though most people are not technically cured after rehab, the program will help you learn the techniques you will need to safely navigate a life in recovery. And with each passing day, it will get easier to stay strong.

You may decide to choose an aftercare program once your rehab has ended. This can be a very beneficial option, as aftercare can run the gamut of options from booster sessions at your rehab center to 12-step meetings to staying in a sober living home. And, at some point, you may decide to attend another rehab program. But life after rehab is about taking each day as it comes and about remembering what you learned in treatment in order to stay happy and healthy during your recovery.

Get Help Today

You can find safe, effective, and affordable rehab programs today for your hydromorphone addiction syndrome. We want to help you choose the best option for your needs so you can build as strong a recovery as possible; call 800-934-7205 (Who Answers?) today to begin your journey towards a healthier, drug-free life.

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