Finding Free Hydrocodone Rehab Centers

Hydrocodone is a narcotic pain reliever used to alleviate moderate to severe pain. It is often prescribed for people who suffer from chronic pain, although many people are also prescribed the medication as a cough suppressant. It is semi-synthetic and is synthesized from another opiate: codeine.

Hydrocodone is primarily used in the United States, as the International Narcotics Control Board noted, 99 percent of the worldwide supply is consumed in the US. The widespread use of the drug can also be linked to nonmedical and recreational use, which is on the rise and increasingly dangerous. Between 2004 and 2011, the number of hydrocodone abuse-related emergency room visits doubled.

If you are dependent upon hydrocodone, you are putting yourself in great danger, but you likely have no way to end your use of the medication. By the point of dependence, you have to continue taking it to feel normal and if you hit addiction, then you are dealing with compulsive use. It is out of your control. These are the points at which the intervention of a hydrocodone addiction treatment center is critical.

You may have delayed researching rehabs because you felt your income meant it was impossible to finance the treatment. But, there are affordable and free hydrocodone rehab programs available. To learn more about these programs, call 800-934-7205 (Who Answers?) . You can speak to someone who will answer your questions, discuss financing issues, and connect you to appropriate treatment facilities. And, you can call 24/7, so there isn’t any reason to postpone calling.

Inpatient vs. Outpatient

If you have started researching rehabs, you know that there are thousands of them and each one presents itself as different than the other ones. This makes choosing on an overwhelming proposition. It should relax you to know that all addiction treatment programs fall into one of two primary categories. Your first decision will be whether you feel inpatient treatment would give you the best results or you think outpatient would.

Inpatient addiction treatment is an intensive form of care that allows patients to devote the entirety of their focus to the various intervention being used. They are able to do this because they remove themselves from their daily lives and responsibilities and remain at the treatment facility full-time until rehab comes to an end. Like a summer camp, patients eat, sleep, bathe, and get treated in one place.

Outpatient care, however, only requires patient attendance at the facility when they are participating in a scheduled treatment session. This means people in outpatient care eat and sleep wherever they want and go to the rehab center for therapy, education sessions, support group meetings, and other treatment activities.

If you have an incredibly supportive family and would benefit from interacting with them daily, outpatient treatment is great. This is also true if you have responsibilities that cannot be missed, like work or caring for your children.

If, on the other hand, your family enables or encourages your drug use, inpatient care may work well because it takes you out of that environment. Further, it is a drug- and alcohol-free location, so temptation isn’t an issue. If you have cravings in inpatient treatment, you can’t follow through on those urges. Inpatient treatment is best for people with severe or long-term hydrocodone addiction and people who have attended rehab in the past and relapsed.

Types of Free Hydrocodone Rehab

Hydrocodone Rehab

You can overcome hydrocodone addiction! Call our helpline to start your recovery today!

If you enter private rehab, you are entering a program whose fees you are entirely responsible for paying. If, however, you enter an affordable or free opiate rehab, you will receive assistance. These programs can do this because they have income sources that cover their operating costs.

State-funded rehabs receive money through grants and federal, state, and local government funding. These programs typically offer free hydrocodone addiction treatment, or they provide a sliding scale for fees. Their objective is not to make money. Instead, they are focused on delivering the resources and tools you need to achieve sobriety and establish a long-term recovery. These programs are often part of a teaching program, so patients are treated with the newest interventions and medications based on recent research findings.

Non-profit addiction treatment facilities are also motivated by a desire to help patients resume healthy, stable lives rather than profit. They may also receive some government funding, but they generally rely on donations for the bulk of their overhead. As with government-funded rehab, non-profit rehabs also tend to be free or use a sliding scale. The non-profit organizations that run these addiction treatment programs may be religiously affiliated, so be prepared for activities like church attendance and bible studies if you enter one.

Is Free Hydrocodone Rehab Right for Me?

You may be on the fence about admitting yourself to a free hydrocodone addiction treatment program. That’s natural. Addiction is terribly difficult to fight and it throws up roadblocks to prevent recovery and sobriety. Doubt is just such a roadblock.

You need to get honest and ask yourself:

  • Do I have an addiction?
  • Am I considered low-income?
  • Do I lack insurance?

If you answered yes to all of these questions, free rehab is perfect for you. Further, there is variety among these programs, so you can choose a facility that lines up with your preferred method of treatment.

How Long is Hydrocodone Rehab?

There is no single addiction treatment duration that is perfect for all people, so the answer to this question varies.

Most people attend rehab for 28-30 days. This has become the most popular duration of care because it is the length most likely to be covered by insurance. However, some people remain in rehab for 60, 90, or 120 days. The amount of treatment you need will be determined during your intake assessment. There are a number of factors that are considered in making this decision, but the substance of abuse, the length of use, and medical and mental health are all considered.

Research indicates longer treatment periods produce the most successful outcomes. In fact, evidence advocates treatment of no less than three months. However, this should not cause you to avoid treatment if you can’t get care for 90-days or longer. Even a 28-day stay will produce positive results in comparison to not going at all.

Where to Get Treatment for Hydrocodone Addiction

Some people look to free local resources, like Narcotics Anonymous, or attempt to independently treat themselves. The best option, however, is to enter a professional treatment program. Given the thousands of treatment centers across the country, you should have a few to choose from.

You may feel most comfortable being treated near your hometown. If you are in outpatient treatment and have obligations and responsibilities, you have to remain local to fulfill them. If your family and friends will play a large role in your recovery, it’s also great to remain close to them for visits and family therapy sessions.

Alternately, you might want to get treatment at a free hydrocodone addiction treatment facility across the state from your hometown. This will probably necessitate inpatient treatment. Distance rehab is good for people who need as much distance from their everyday life as they can get in order to fully focus on recovery. This is also the preferred option for people who are nervous about running into someone they know and want to increase the chances of keeping their treatment private.

Signs Hydrocodone Rehab Is Necessary

The first thing you should know is that hydrocodone rehab is necessary even before you hit full-fledged addiction. Especially with opiates, dependence is dangerous and develops quite quickly into addiction. If you have reached the point where you have to keep taking hydrocodone to function, you need to stop as soon as possible. But, that will mean going through a detox period and weathering withdrawal symptoms and a lot of people can’t do that without help. If you are dealing with dependence rehab is necessary to end the problem before it gets worse. You don’t need to hit rock bottom.

If your use has developed past dependence and you are continuing to use hydrocodone even though it is impacting your life negatively, you are dealing with an addiction, and strength of will won’t be enough. If you don’t yet believe you have an addiction to hydrocodone, look at some of the signs:

  • You wonder if you have an addiction
  • Your life is suffering because of hydrocodone use
  • You are blaming others and circumstances for your behavior and your drug use
  • You lie or become defensive when asked about your hydrocodone use
  • When you don’t have hydrocodone, it’s the thing you think about most
  • When you aren’t using, you get restless, anxious, and self-pitying
  • You have to take more than you used to in order to get the same effect
  • You are missing work and/or social obligations because you are getting high or recovering from it
  • You spend most of your time thinking about getting high, getting hydrocodone, getting high, and recuperating from being high
  • You make plans to cut back or end your use and are unable to follow through

If these are familiar to you and represent what is happening in your life, it’s time to look into free hydrocodone rehab. Call 800-934-7205 (Who Answers?) and speak to someone who can talk with you about addiction and your options.

Insurance & Private Pay Options

If you aren’t eligible for free opiate rehab, you will have to arrange another way to pay for it. Ultimately, the cost of a continuing addiction will be much higher than the amount you pay for addiction treatment. And, the amount doesn’t have to be outside of your capabilities.

If you have insurance, that will be a big help. All of the plans available through the marketplace and through Medicaid cover substance abuse treatment. If your policy is through an employer or another source, you may not have coverage. It’s always best to check with your insurance company before you make a commitment. Also, remember that your policy may require a copay or coinsurance payment before the coverage begins, so ask about that too.

Paying out-of-pocket seems terrifying, but you have to remember that there are affordable options. Some programs offer grants or scholarships and others use a sliding scale, which matches your payment to your income. Many facilities also offer financing plans that work the way a credit card would. Most of these even defer repayment until months after rehab ends so you can get back on your feet.

Help Finding a Free Hydrocodone Treatment Program

There are a few different ways that people commonly use to locate a rehab center. Some people use an online search tool created by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Other people speak to their primary care doctor, and still other are connected with a rehab through hospitals that provide detox. The problem with these methods is that they don’t link you directly to free and affordable options. Further, they typically stick to local facilities.

For more knowledgeable, comprehensive assistance finding free hydrocodone rehab, call 800-934-7205 (Who Answers?) . Our specialists not only know about addiction, they know everything about free rehab. We can even connect you with resources of which other sources are unaware.

What Happens After Rehab?

After rehab, it is advisable that you continue receiving treatment and support. Many addiction treatment programs offer what is called “aftercare” to assist patients. These services provide continuing therapy, support group meetings, and/or referrals to local resources. If aftercare isn’t available to you, you will have to arrange your own. Look for groups dedicated to recovery. Find one-on-one or group counseling services and begin regular treatment. And, make friends with other sober people.

Get Help Today

Cost no longer needs to be an obstacle, so you are running out of excuses not to get the help that you need. It’s time that you called 800-934-7205 (Who Answers?) and learned about your affordable and free rehab options. You can call 24/7. Your life in recovery is waiting for you to get started. We can help.

Where do calls go?

Calls to any general helpline will be answered or returned by one of the treatment providers listed, each of which is a paid advertiser: Rehab Media Group, Recovery Helpline, Alli Addiction Services.

By calling the helpline you agree to the terms of use. We do not receive any commission or fee that is dependent upon which treatment provider a caller chooses. There is no obligation to enter treatment.

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