Finding Free Disulfiram Rehab Centers

Disulfiram is an addiction treatment medication. It is one of the three drugs often used to treat alcoholism. However, it can cause intense side effects if it is ever mixed with alcohol, and it can only be obtained through a prescription. As such, a person will need to seek professional rehab in order to receive this medication.

We can help you find safe, reliable, and affordable rehab programs where you can receive disulfiram as a maintenance medication. Call 800-934-7205 (Who Answers?) now to speak with a treatment advisor and to learn more about your options for recovery.

Free Disulfiram Addiction Treatment

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, disulfiram is a medication that “interferes with the breakdown of alcohol.” Because the drug has this effect, it can help keep an individual from drinking while they are in treatment, and though some patients have issues with compliance, the drug can be very effective in treating those who are highly motivated to quit drinking.

The medication itself is nonaddictive and does not cause euphoria or any other desirable effects when taken in large doses. This protects those being treated with it from abuse situations. However, because the drug can cause intense side effects when mixed with alcohol, those who do use it must be very careful not to drink while taking the drug.

Some people who have been abusing alcohol for a long time often believe professional treatment will not be able to help them, or in some situations, that a rehab program that provides medications like disulfiram will be too expensive. In truth, though, there are many low-cost and even free disulfiram addiction treatment facilities where you can safely navigate your recovery and begin a drug- and alcohol-free lifestyle––without breaking the bank.

Where to Get Treatment for Disulfiram Addiction

Disulfiram itself is not addictive, but it can be used as an addiction treatment medication. In some cases, however, an individual who drinks while on the drug can experience severe side effects, some that may even require intensive treatment. In both these instances, a professional rehab program is usually the best option for safe and effective care.

If you seek an alcohol addiction rehab program that offers disulfiram, you will also receive a well-rounded program that provides other treatments in addition to the drug, including

  • Medically assisted detox
    • Alcohol detox can be especially dangerous, as a severe version of the substance’s withdrawal syndrome can sometimes occur without warning. According to the National Library of Medicine, it is called delirium tremens and is considered a medical emergency.
  • Behavioral therapy
    • Almost every rehab program offers some type of behavioral therapy to patients. This program will help you learn why you may have started abusing drugs and alcohol in the first place as well as coping mechanisms to avoid abuse in the future.
  • Holistic methods
    • These can include options like acupuncture, yoga, and spiritual development. Vocational counseling and housing help are also holistic methods options some rehab centers may offer.

All rehab programs are different and will provide patients with different methods of care. However, it is important to note that free disulfiram rehab centers offer care that is just as effective as luxury rehab centers. While the latter type of facility may provide patients with special options and plush accommodations, free treatment centers provide everything that is necessary to a safe recovery without asking you to pay for extra options you may not need.

Types of Free Disulfiram Rehab

Disulfiram Rehab

Call our hotline for help finding a free disulfiram rehab near you.

Most free disulfiram addiction treatment programs for alcohol abusers are government-run, but some are specifically run by nonprofit organizations. These facilities will usually offer a short program that will allow you to get through detox, be put on your medication, and become stabilized enough to begin your recovery.

Different rehab centers may offer you different payment assistance options as well. For example, some facilities are completely free of charge to individuals who otherwise would not be able to seek professional care for their alcohol addictions. Others provide partial free care or a sliding fee scale in order to compromise with patients on a payment amount that will not ask too much of them.

Some facilities even offer both: partially free care with a sliding fee scale. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 37.8 percent of all substance abuse treatment programs in 2008 offered both these options to patients. You will likely qualify for one of these types of free disulfiram rehab facilities if you have a low income, and you can find out what type of care for which you would qualify by calling 800-934-7205 (Who Answers?) .

Inpatient vs. Outpatient

Inpatient rehab centers offer 24-hour care in a controlled environment to individuals with severe addiction syndromes and/or other complications. Outpatient rehab facilities offer the same general treatment options but do not allow patients to stay at the center overnight. Instead, treatment schedules are made around the patient’s other responsibilities.

In general, it is usually best for anyone who has been suffering from a long-term alcohol use disorder to seek inpatient treatment at least early on in recovery. This is because of the danger you can experience during alcohol withdrawal if delirium tremens sets in. However, a disulfiram regimen can only be started after detox has ended, so you may be able to seek outpatient care for your rehab program if you are already stabilized and finished with detox.

The need for one type of care or the other all depends on you and the severity of your situation. Consider what you will require from your treatment program in order to ask yourself what type of care will suit you best. Those suffering from comorbid disorders or who lack a support system of friends and family members often need inpatient treatment and should never ignore this need. Still, others may fare better in outpatient care and will not have to search for a more intensive treatment program.

How Long Is Disulfiram Rehab?

Most free rehab programs follow the Minnesota Model, which was created in the 1950s and states that treatment should last about 28 days (Journal of Addictive Diseases). This is partially because the model is still very popular today and also because most free rehab programs can only offer patients a short treatment program because of the monetary aspects of keeping a facility like this afloat.

Still, most doctors now agree that 90 days is considered the minimum amount of time a treatment program should last so a patient can receive the full benefits of their care. In the case that your free disulfiram rehab program is shorter than this, it is important to seek an aftercare option once rehab ends. Usually, the doctors and nurses at the facility will help you do so.

Signs Disulfiram Rehab Is Necessary

Disulfiram itself is not a habit-forming drug, but someone who has been abusing alcohol for a long time and shows signs of alcoholism could potentially benefit from taking the drug. Individuals who are highly motivated to avoid relapse are often the best candidates for the medication treatment. In addition, SAMHSA lists other signs of a good candidate for this option, including

  • Being capable of understanding the consequences of drinking while taking the drug
  • Being abstinent from alcohol and through withdrawal
  • Having shown an ability to maintain abstinence during treatment
  • Being codependent on cocaine as well as alcohol
  • Having a strong tolerance for alcohol
  • Being unable to control one’s drinking

If you do choose a rehab program that offers disulfiram as a treatment option, you must understand the consequences that can come from drinking while on the drug. If you do engage in this behavior, you could experience

  • Sweating
  • Hyperventilation
  • Respiratory depression
  • Blurred vision
  • Thirst
  • Tachycardia
  • Arrhythmia
  • Acute congestive heart failure
  • Seizures
  • Unconsciousness

In some cases, a patient could even die from drinking alcohol while on disulfiram. If this type of abuse does occur, the person should be taken to the hospital immediately.

Do I Qualify for Free Addiction Treatment in a Rehab Center?

Insurance & Private Pay Options

Not everyone will qualify for free, partially free, or sliding-scale rehab, but this shouldn’t keep you from being able to save money on your addiction treatment plan. You don’t have to pay large amounts for luxury care if you don’t want to. Here are some ways you can make your rehab program more affordable.

  • Use your insurance plan to pay for your care
    • Every individual plan is different, but most of them will cover at least part of the cost of one’s rehab program. According to SAMHSA, “Under the Affordable Care Act, most health plans must also cover certain preventative services without a copayment, co-insurance, or deductible.”
  • Use Medicare or Medicaid to help you pay for treatment
    • Most individuals who qualify for Medicare or Medicaid can find rehab programs that can help them recover safely from their substance use disorder.
  • Finance your treatment costs
    • You may not have to pay the entire cost of your treatment program upfront. In fact, many people agree to pay a specific amount upon intake and then pay the rest when they are back on their feet.
    • The patient and the rehab center usually agree upon the amount before treatment begins.

There are plenty of ways you can make your rehab more affordable and more fitting to your current financial situation. Because many people would rather avoid rehab than to pay its high prices, there has been a push to make care more affordable and accessible to those who truly need it.

Help Finding a Free Disulfiram Treatment Program

You can ask many people for help when looking for the best free disulfiram rehab centers for your needs. Your doctor, your local free clinic, and your city government offices can all provide helpful information for finding the type of care you require at an affordable price. You can also call our hotline any time, night or day, to get individualized help finding alcoholism rehab with disulfiram.

  • Call 800-934-7205 (Who Answers?) . Ask to speak with a treatment advisor.
  • When your advisor is on the line, make sure to give them plenty of information about your situation and your history. This may include
    • The types of substances you have been abusing
    • How long you have been abusing alcohol
    • Whether or not you have sought treatment for your addiction in the past
    • Whether or not you are suffering from any comorbid disorders
  • Once your treatment advisor understands your needs for care, you should also help them understand your financial situation.
    • Your advisor may ask about your income, your family situation, and other important factors to determine if you will qualify for free or low-cost care.
    • They will also need to know what type of insurance plan you have so they can find facilities that will accept your plan.
  • Your advisor will then be able to match you with rehab options that will suit your needs and your budget.

Finding addiction treatment can be a difficult process, but when you seek help from a professional, it makes the search much easier.

What Happens After Rehab?

After rehab, you can finally begin your life in recovery. But this does not mean you will necessarily be finished with treatment. In fact, according to the NIDA, many people need to attend multiple programs over the course of their lives, especially if they are threatened by relapse.

  • You may want to attend free inpatient care early on in your alcoholism recovery and then follow it up with outpatient care.
  • Booster sessions are an aftercare option where the individual visits the facility less frequently for a certain period of time in order to be reminded of their commitment to recovery and their need for care.
  • 12-step groups can be an excellent help during post-rehab life. They can remind you of your needs and the skills you learned in treatment.

Rehab isn’t a cure for addiction but can rather help someone like you build the groundwork you will need for a strong recovery.

Get Help Today

We can help you find the safe, affordable, and effective care you need in order to put an end to your alcohol abuse. Call 800-934-7205 (Who Answers?) now to find free disulfiram rehab centers that will suit your current situation.

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